More Updates and DWITE Today
By Dan on Wednesday December 12, 2007 At 03:44AM
We have done a lot more updates to both the front and back end of the system. For the front end we have added an opt-out option for having your teams code displayed in the past contest results. This option can be set by the team leader in the TeamCP. We have also added a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy link to the bottom of the site, this is the same ToS and Privacy Policy used by the Computer Science Canada site as we are hosted on the same server, database and ran by the same people.
The back end (judge program) updates are mostly about making it harder to cheat or hard code your answers. The test cases for the 1st and 2nd submission will now be different for each problem and partly randomized by the judge. Also we will no longer provide the standard output stream from the program in the output from the judge as this was used for cheating/hard coding in the last contest.
To days contest has 137 teams singed up to partake and will start at 3:15PM server time (EST). We will also be trying e-mail the contest problems to the teachers that are singed up and have active accounts 20 to 15 minutes be for the contest so they can print them and give them to there team at 3:15PM so they can avoided the rush or trying to refresh the site to see the questions witch can lag things down and get right to work. This e-mailing of questions is a new feature and may not work as expected.
We would also like to remind teams that constant refreshing on the ContestCP be for and close to the end of a contest is discouraged as it makes the server lag when 150 users do it at once.