Contest Date Changes
By Dan on Saturday October 20, 2007 At 08:15PM
Do to popular demand we have changed the contest dates to be every month rather then every other month. We have also moved them away from Fridays as most schools have PD/PA days on Fridays and changed the start time to 3:15pm so schools that end at 3:15 are not at a disadvantage.
We have also done allot of updates to the front end. You can now get the latest DWITE news and other data from our RSS feeds (see the icon on the bottom of the site) or view the current overall ranks on the ranks page (see the rankings on the side bar). We also added a news page to display old DWITE news. Optimization where also done so the site should load faster and be more responsive.
There is also now an official forum on the website that you can use to post messages about the contest and to us. You can find the link on the side bar under "Message Board". You may have to sign up with before you can post.