DWITE Contest

End of Round 5

By Dan on Wednesday February 22, 2012 At 06:17PM

Unfortunately there were some problems this round both before hand preventing the question writers from getting new questions and test cases done in time (leading to old questions being used) and during the round were questions would time out for no reason. All of our question writers are volunteers and it seems this month was the perfect storm that prevented them form completing new questions on time. We decided it would be better to run a "best of" contest then to cancel the contest last minute.

We are still in the process of remarking the submissions and the correct scores will eventually be posted at http://dwite.org/home/contest/50 (we will make a new news post when the last scores are in). We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience these issues may have caused and we have put plans in place to help prevent these issues from happening in the future.

DWITE will return next school year with the first round in October 2012, however, we encourage students to compete in the up coming CCC and ECOO programming contests. If you have any feedback about the DWITE 2011-2012 contest please use the feedback button on the left or go directly to our uservoice page.