Round 1 Summary
By Tony on Saturday October 29, 2011 At 08:13PM
Other than leaving an ambiguity in Q5's spec and having Q4 turn out to be easier than intended, this was probably our best round yet. All of the test data was correct, and there were minimal technical difficulties during the round.
We'd like to congratulate Gary Zeng (team PropagandaPanda from Don Mills Collegiate Institute) for taking first place, Daniel Hui (team d310 from Woburn Collegiate Institute) and team * Star *(Fan Zhang and Geoffry Song) in tie for a second. Well done!
A.J. and Cyril have been discussing this Round's solutions on the forums -- check it out.
As well, we got a few requests for making upgrades to some programming languages used. We'll be working on that. As a reminder, feel free to contact us via and forums.
As a bonus, here are some interesting stats from the first round: