Test Case for Question #1 in DWITE 2011-2012 High School Round 1
Contest: DWITE 2011-2012 High School Round 1
Question: #1
Input File: DATA1.txt
Output File: OUT1.txt
llaw eht no reeb fo selttob 98 dnuora ti ssap nwod 1 ekat uoy reeb fo selttob 99 llaw eht no reeb fo selttob 99
saera rellams 51 fo edam yllautca tnsi 15aerA
secalp lamiced 10 ot ip si 6356295141p3
elpmaxe rof 1212323423409234092340 ekil srebmun gnol ylaer daer ot drah fo dnik steg ti tub egaugnal looc ytterp a si cibarA
99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer you take 1 down pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall
Area51 isnt actually made of 51 smaller areas
3p1415926536 is pi to 10 decimal places
Arabic is a pretty cool language but it gets kind of hard to read realy long numbers like 1212323423409234092340 for example