DWITE Online Computer Programming Contest
October 2007
Problem 2
Cubes in a Pyramid

A pyramid is to be constructed out of stone cubes, 1 meter in length each. The pyramid will have a square base, and will be completely solid. Given the dimensions for the length of the base, and the height of the pyramid, and assuming that no material is wasted, calculate the minimum number of cube stones required to construct a pyramid of the supplied dimensions.

The input file DATA2.txt will contain two lines with one real values on each line, L and H; 0.00 < L, H <= 100.00 representing the Length of the base and the Height of the pyramid to be constructed.

The output file OUT2.txt will contain a single integer, representing the minimum number of blocks required for the construction.

Sample Input:
Sample Output:

Hint: the volume of a pyramid is V = 1/3 A*h, where A is the area of the base, and h is the height.