DWITE Online Computer Programming Contest
January 2008
Problem 2
And the winner is...

This one is quite straight-forward. Given a list of scores and names, sort the entries from highest score to lowest, to create the highscore table. The only caveat is that this must be an in-place sort, meaning that given two entries with the same score, one that appeared earlier in the original unsorted list will always be placed higher than the other entry with the same score.

The input file DATA2.txt will contain five sets of data, five lines each. Each line will be in the score name format. Score is an integer, 0 <= s <= 700. Name is a standard string, possibly including spaces.

The output file OUT2.txt will contain 25 lines -- five sorted sets. Only the name needs to be given per line.

Sample Input: (only first two sets shown)
517 Byakuei
549 O(256)
571 Clan 345
584 Beat Guru #1
609 while (true)
1 a
700 b
10 d
700 c
10 e
Sample Output: (only first two sets shown)
while (true)
Beat Guru #1
Clan 345